Borrowed Time:
on death, dying & change
October 2020 – November 2021
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We’re all of us living on borrowed time: the brevity of our personal span of existence now mirrored by a biosphere under intolerable pressure, its every life system beginning to fray and unravel under civilisation’s weight. We witness its collapse every day now, in new stories of cataclysmic weather events, of lives lost, of flora and fauna weirded, disrupted, gone. However incipiently or unconsciously, we live at a time of collective grieving – no life exempt from the consequences of this relentless devastation and what it has set loose.
Borrowed Time, on death dying & change is nevertheless a celebration: a gathering of disparate voices from across the globe coming together online from October 31 to November 3. These voices use many registers and tones to delve into the depths of living with and dealing with death and dying with joy as well as with sadness. Borrowed Time is a space to explore questions pertaining to death, dying and change, and to ask what dying has to teach us about living well, and living sustainably.
Join us as we engage with musicians and composers, historians, doctors, carers, artists, poets and writers, dreamers, priests, philosophers, animal researchers, ecologists and more. Our keynote presenters include the international speaker and activist Bayo Akomolafe, choreographer Paul Michael Henry (who presents a new Butoh-inspired dance on film, and Canadian film Director Jennifer Abbott whose latest film The Magnitude of All Things is receiving accolades and awards with screenings at film festivals across the globe.
Above all, then, Borrowed Time is a celebration of life, one that sets out to embrace and welcome all of its messy joys and travails.
Now that the main symposium (October 31 to November 3) is over we are busy processing the recordings to make them available online. Watch this space.
And to wrap up the Borrowed Time theme we are offering a number of events linked with Remembrance Day for Lost Species with our friends at ONCA Gallery. We will announce details very soon.
Revisit Borrowed Time events (as they become available)
Borrowed Time events archive/gallery

Remembrance Day for Lost Species
Remembrance Day for Lost Species on November 30 is a chance each year to explore the stories of extinct ... Read More

In conversation with…Caroline Hickman
Join us for the last in the series of events that have been Borrowed Time: on death, dying & ... Read More

Film: The New Corporation

Postgraduate Forum (14 videos)

Keynote: Jennifer Abbott
A screening of Jennifer Abbott's acclaimed film The Magnitude of All Things will be followed by an interview and ... Read More

Symposium (24 videos)
The main symposium Borrowed Time: on death, dying & change took place from October 31 to November 2 2021 ... Read More

Keynote: Bayo Akomolafe

Keynote: Paul Michael Henry

Keynote: Moving with the Trouble
A new dance film from choreographer Beatrice Allegranti
How long does mourning last? How long are the ... Read More

Event: A Celebratory Gathering

In conversation: Sophie Strand

In Conversation : Sophie Pierce
Sophie Pierce is a writer and broadcaster who worked as a reporter and producer for the BBC for over ... Read More

Keynote: Dr Rachel Clarke

Charlotte Ducann with Caroline Ross & Dom Bury
First Fridays are our monthly series of informal artist get-togethers where the conversation may stray from the triassic to ... Read More

In Conversation: Stephen Jenkinson with Christos Galanis

In Conversation: Yuli Somme with Richard Povall

In Conversation: Pascale Petit with Mat Osmond
most recent [read all news and information]

Moving with the Trouble at LISFF

Information for Delegates

Borrowed Time and Covid: an important announcement

Oliver Burkeman on Death & Dying

Queer Death Society zine

Rachel Clarke keynote
Articles, related events and more…

Oliver Burkeman on Death & Dying

Queer Death Society zine

Mourning our pets

Goodness and acceptance

Ear plugs…

Sophie Pierce in The Observer on Facebook
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